The Art of Punting
Posted by Sophie Bebb on
Punting in Oxford
What is the art of punting, you may ask.... the art is not to fall in !!!
Punting is synonymous with Oxford, a relaxing way to explore the river Cherwell and the hidden sites of Oxford. But, what is a punt.... it is a flat bottomed boat with square ended bow and stern, the stern of the punt has a platform to allow the "punter" to stand and propel the boat with a large pole, which is lowered into the river and used to push against the river bed. The punt is ideal to use on shallow rivers, like the river Cherwell, you can enjoy the scenery and wildlife along the river, maybe stop and have a picnic on the river bank or venture to the famous "Vicky Arms" and have a well deserved drink.
There are several places in Oxford that you can hire your punt:-
Magdalen Bridge Boathouse
Cherwell Boathouse
The art of punting in Oxford is captured on this modern colourful fine art print. The art piece shows the fun that can be had whilst punting along the Cherwell. The print is carefully reproduced on eco-friendly bamboo art paper which gives the print rich tones and a smooth texture. Prints can be purchased exclusively on our ONLINE SHOP